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Med Sci Law ; : 258024241242549, 2024 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38557203


A whole branch of theoretical statistics devotes itself to the analysis of clusters, the aim being to distinguish an apparent cluster arising randomly from one that is more likely to have been produced as a result of some systematic influence. There are many examples in medicine and some that involve both medicine and the legal field; criminal law in particular. Observed clusters or a series of cases in a given setting can set off alarm bells, the recent conviction of Lucy Letby in England being an example. It was an observed cluster, a series of deaths among neonates, that prompted the investigation of Letby. There have been other similar cases in the past and there will be similar cases in the future. Our purpose is not to reconsider any particular trial but, rather, to work with similar, indeed more extreme numbers of cases as a way to underline the statistical mistakes that can be made when attempting to make sense of the data. These notions are illustrated via a made-up case of 10 incidents where the anticipated count was only 2. The most common statistical analysis would associate a probability of less than 0.00005 with this outcome: A very rare event. However, a more careful analysis that avoids common pitfalls results in a probability close to 0.5, indicating that, given the circumstances, we were as likely to see 10 or more as we were to see less than 10.

Psychiatr Psychol Law ; 30(4): 447-458, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37484505


The aim of the current study was to compare and contrast non-cannibalistic and cannibalistic serial killers. Using case study data, the present study assessed common patterns among the life histories of cannibalistic serial killers compared to those of a control sample of serial killers that did not commit cannibalism. These include but are not limited to childhood experiences, socio-economic status, biological abnormalities and life events. Results indicated that factors that may differentiate cannibals from non-cannibals likely result from childhood influences, rather than influences at the time of the kill. Findings may be used to identify potential warning signs or triggers for cannibalistic behaviour.

Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 28: e54686, 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1514629


RESUMO. Este trabalho se insere no campo teórico da psicanálise e tem por objetivo discutir, a partir do conceito de perversão, a relação entre o ato perverso e os assassinatos em série, através das comunicações que certos autores desse tipo de crime realizaram com a mídia e com as forças da lei. Para a realização desse objetivo foi feita uma análise de conteúdo, segundo Bardin (2011), em 35 cartas enviadas por sete assassinos em série diferentes para a grande mídia ou para a polícia. Como resultado, encontra-se o fato de que a estrutura desses documentos é bastante similar e apresentam descrições de seus crimes, seus estados mentais, além de ameaças à população e um deboche direcionado às autoridades e forças policiais. Por fim, nota-se que a estrutura do ato perverso, conforme pensada por Freud e Lacan, está presente nas cartas estudadas, que pertencem a épocas e lugares distintos, e cujos autores não tiveram contato direto entre si.

RESUMEN. Este trabajo es parte del campo teórico del psicoanálisis y tiene como objetivo identificar los comportamientos comunes que están presentes en diferentes actos perversos, más específicamente en las comunicaciones que los asesinos en serie llevan a cabo con los medios de comunicación y las fuerzas de la ley. Para lograr este objetivo, se realizó un análisis de contenido, según Bardin (2011) sobre 35 cartas enviadas por siete asesinos en serie diferentes a los principales medios de comunicación o la policía. Como resultado, existe el hecho de que la estructura de estos documentos es bastante similar y presenta descripciones de sus crímenes, sus estados mentales, además de las amenazas a la población y un libertinaje dirigido a las autoridades y las fuerzas policiales. Finalmente, se observa que la estructura del acto perverso, como lo piensan las teorías de Freud y Lacan, tiende a repetirse en los sujetos estudiados, que pertenecen a diferentes tiempos y lugares y que no tuvieron contacto directo entre sí.

ABSTRACT This work is part of the theoretical field of psychoanalysis and aims to discuss, from the concept of perversion, the relationship between the perverse act and serial murders, through the communications that certain authors of this type of crime made with the media and with the forces of the law. To achieve this objective, a content analysis was carried out, according to Bardin (2011), on thirty-five letters sent by seven different serial killers to the mainstream media or the police. As a result, there is the fact that the structure of these documents is quite similar and presents descriptions of their crimes, their mental states, in addition to threats to the population and a debauchery directed at the authorities and police forces. Finally, it is noted that the structure of the perverse act, as thought by the theories of Freud and Lacan, is present in the studied letters, which belong to different times and places, and whose authors had no direct contact with each other.

Humanos , Carta , Crime/psicologia , Homicídio/psicologia , Psicanálise , Violência/psicologia , Criminosos/psicologia
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35564753


Serial murder is a specific type of violent crime that falls into the crime category of multicide. According to the nomenclature of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Violent Crime Classification Manual and Academic Researchers for the Classification of Violent Crimes, most serial killers are adults. However, serial murder is also committed by young people, although to a lesser extent. Young serial killers are a topic of relevance in areas such as psychology, criminology, and the justice system. Given that the study of the variables that could be the basis of such multicide criminality is not conclusive, the need for further research is evident. The homicides perpetrated by children and young people point to a social panorama that is alarming due to their young age. This issue is prevalent enough to conduct a review. The performed review concludes the importance of psychosocial factors to better understand the process by which children and young people commit crimes as serious as serial murders. The scope of the problem of serial murders perpetrated by minors is controversial because it often depends on how the number of real cases is counted. Although official statistics indicate the low prevalence of juvenile serial killers, childhood is a period in which antisocial behaviour can have its beginning. Some authors consider that it is not uncommon for the first murder of this type to occur in adolescence. It is important to consider psychopathy as an influential factor in the various forms of serial criminal conduct committed by children and young people. The research works consulted provide evidence of the special relevance of psychopathy in the generation of serious juvenile delinquency.

Criminologia , Delinquência Juvenil , Adolescente , Adulto , Transtorno da Personalidade Antissocial/epidemiologia , Criança , Crime/psicologia , Comportamento Criminoso , Homicídio , Humanos
Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol ; 65(13-14): 1446-1472, 2021 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33334220


Case studies were conducted on eight serial killers in India who were inmates in central prisons of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The study is a pioneering one on serial killers in the locale of the study. All available information about the lives of offenders were collected through multiple sources, including in-depth interviews with serial killers in the prisons, interviews of relatives of the killers, surviving victims, Investigators, crime scene studies, etc. The collected data have been chronologically arranged to construct biographies of the offenders. The rich biographies were carefully analyzed to construct an inclusive motivation model that can explain the process of individuals evolving into serial killers from a life-course approach. The motivation in each of the eight cases was explained with the proposed motivation model. The constructed motivation model is unique from the existing models, which were mostly rigid and, therefore, not applicable to cases outside the studies. The model proposes three critical determinants for explaining the evolution of a person into a serial killer, "nature," "Deep Resting Life Factor," and "key Incidents." The study found a relatively short incident named "trigger" in the lives of six serial killers, which played a significant role in bringing out the dormant killer instinct and push the subjects toward the first murder. The comparative analysis of the motivation in different cases revealed that though there were recurring factors in the lives of serial killers, their interactions were more important than standalone factors. The study also found that there are no predetermined recipes for the making of a killer like some past researchers claimed.

Criminosos , Motivação , Homicídio , Humanos , Índia
Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol ; 59(14): 1564-79, 2015 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25209624


Posthumous diagnoses are not uncommonly given to notorious public and historical figures by applying retrospectively, and typically in the absence of the individual being diagnosed, contemporary diagnostic criteria. Although this may be relatively easy and free of consequences when it concerns clear-cut medical conditions, it may have unintended repercussions in the case of psychiatric disorders by creating myths and perpetuating stigma. The case of serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer is a typical example where a somewhat facile and almost syllogistic application of perhaps over-inclusive criteria may have contributed to the legend of solitary murderers as possibly suffering from an autism spectrum condition. Although there may be an understandable human need to explain abominable and heinous behaviors, the lack of the possibility to verify a diagnostic theory and the ill-advised attempt to make a diagnosis fit may de facto be the basis of prejudice and profiling that do not correspond to clinical reality. Although there is no doubt that the brain is the organ of behavior, the authors caution against a budding neo-Lombrosian approach to crime and criminality and against the all too common use of widely differing terms in the study of deviance, such as crime, delinquency, and aggression, the operational use of which, often used interchangeably even in association studies, often erroneously leads to further confusion.

Transtorno da Personalidade Antissocial/história , Transtorno da Personalidade Antissocial/psicologia , Síndrome de Asperger/diagnóstico , Síndrome de Asperger/história , Transtorno do Espectro Autista/diagnóstico , Transtorno do Espectro Autista/história , Canibalismo/história , Canibalismo/psicologia , Homossexualidade Masculina/história , Homossexualidade Masculina/psicologia , Estigma Social , Adulto , Síndrome de Asperger/psicologia , Transtorno do Espectro Autista/psicologia , Diagnóstico Tardio , Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais , História do Século XX , História do Século XXI , Humanos , MMPI/estatística & dados numéricos , Masculino , Psicometria , Estados Unidos
Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 17(3,supl.1): 738-748, Jul-Sep/2014.
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-64552


Os processos que caracterizam a constituição da subjetividade dos assassinos seriais relacionam-se ao papel que neles têm o superego arcaico. Ao analisarmos as interfaces destes tipos de configurações psíquicas com os laços sociais, nos deparamos com as figuras dos assassinos seriais tratados como ícones da cultura pós-moderna, uma vez que são idealizados em filmes, livros e séries de TV, além de serem cultuados por muitos por sua capacidade de encanto, inteligência e engodo, movimentos que sideram e compactuam com os laços sociais perversos observados na contemporaneidade.(AU)

The processes that characterize the constitution of subjectivity of serial killers have a relationship with the role played by the archaic super-ego. When we analyze the interfaces of these types of psychic configurations with social bonds we see serial killers treated as icons of the post-modern culture, to the extent that they are idealized in the cinema, books and television series. They are also idolized by many for their ability to mesmerize, deceive and defraud others. These characteristics leads persons to support and approve perverse social bonds present in contemporary society.(AU)

Les processus qui caractérisent la constitution de la subjectivité des assassins en série se rapportent au rôle que le Surmoi archaïque joue chez eux. En analysant les interfaces entre ces types de configuration psychique et les liens sociaux, nous observons que ces assassins en série sont traités comme icônes de la culture post-moderne, étant donné qu'ils sont idéalisés dans les films, les livres et dans les séries TV. Ils sont d'ailleurs admirés par un nombre important de personnes dû à leur intelligence, ainsi qu'à leur capacité d'envoûter et de leurrer leurs victimes, qualités qui sidèrent et pactisent avec les liens sociaux pervers de notre contemporanéité.(AU)

Los procesos psíquicos que caracterizan la constitución de la subjetividad de los asesinos seriales se relacionan con el papel que en ellos tiene el Superyó arcaico. El análisis de las interfaces de estes tipos de configuraciones psíquicas con los lazos sociales muestra que las figuras de los asesinos en serie son tratadas como si fueran símbolos de la cultura pós-moderna; son idealizados en las películas, en los libros y series televisivas además de ser objetos de culto, por muchos, por su inteligencia, capacidad de encantamiento y habilidad para engañar, características que pactúan con los lazos sociales perversos observados en la contemporaneidad.(AU)

Humanos , Homicídio , Relações Interpessoais , Superego , Personalidade
Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 17(3,supl.1): 738-748, Jul-Sep/2014.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-736282


Os processos que caracterizam a constituição da subjetividade dos assassinos seriais relacionam-se ao papel que neles têm o superego arcaico. Ao analisarmos as interfaces destes tipos de configurações psíquicas com os laços sociais, nos deparamos com as figuras dos assassinos seriais tratados como ícones da cultura pós-moderna, uma vez que são idealizados em filmes, livros e séries de TV, além de serem cultuados por muitos por sua capacidade de encanto, inteligência e engodo, movimentos que sideram e compactuam com os laços sociais perversos observados na contemporaneidade.

The processes that characterize the constitution of subjectivity of serial killers have a relationship with the role played by the archaic super-ego. When we analyze the interfaces of these types of psychic configurations with social bonds we see serial killers treated as icons of the post-modern culture, to the extent that they are idealized in the cinema, books and television series. They are also idolized by many for their ability to mesmerize, deceive and defraud others. These characteristics leads persons to support and approve perverse social bonds present in contemporary society.

Les processus qui caractérisent la constitution de la subjectivité des assassins en série se rapportent au rôle que le Surmoi archaïque joue chez eux. En analysant les interfaces entre ces types de configuration psychique et les liens sociaux, nous observons que ces assassins en série sont traités comme icônes de la culture post-moderne, étant donné qu'ils sont idéalisés dans les films, les livres et dans les séries TV. Ils sont d'ailleurs admirés par un nombre important de personnes dû à leur intelligence, ainsi qu'à leur capacité d'envoûter et de leurrer leurs victimes, qualités qui sidèrent et pactisent avec les liens sociaux pervers de notre contemporanéité.

Los procesos psíquicos que caracterizan la constitución de la subjetividad de los asesinos seriales se relacionan con el papel que en ellos tiene el Superyó arcaico. El análisis de las interfaces de estes tipos de configuraciones psíquicas con los lazos sociales muestra que las figuras de los asesinos en serie son tratadas como si fueran símbolos de la cultura pós-moderna; son idealizados en las películas, en los libros y series televisivas además de ser objetos de culto, por muchos, por su inteligencia, capacidad de encantamiento y habilidad para engañar, características que pactúan con los lazos sociales perversos observados en la contemporaneidad.

Humanos , Homicídio , Relações Interpessoais , Personalidade , Superego